Networking Opportunities
Our students have access to the best teacher mentors in the field. Through our Clinical Mentoring Team (CMT)—a teaching excellence team—we provide cooperating teachers who have both amazing classroom expertise and coaching abilities.
While you’re here, you can join the Educators Rising organization, for great networking opportunities as well as training and preparation for the job search. Based on your academic achievements, you can also participate in our chapters of the Gamma Chi and Pi Lambda Theta honor societies.
Teacher Certification
- We are accredited by CAEP
- There is a separate application and admission process
- For more than 10 years 100% of MNU’s teacher candidates in mathematics education have passed the PRAXIS content exam and the PLT required for certification.
As a graduate, you will complete all Kansas requirements for teacher certification. Our faculty will also help you find out how to become certified in other states, and many are similar to Kansas requirements.